This total ice thickness data from DICE is in support of the following publication: Indrani Das, Laurie Padman, Robin E. Bell, Helen A. Fricker, Kirsty J. Tinto, Christina L. Hulbe, Christine S. Siddoway, Tejendra Dhakal, Nicholas P. Frearson, Cyrille Mosbeux, S. Isabel Cordero, Matthew R. Siegfried. Multi-decadal basal melt rates and structure of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica using airborne ice penetrating radar. Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface (in review). The ascii file contains thickness values form all three ROSETTA seasons and has three columns: latitude, longitude and total ice thickness (m) from DICE radar. The thickness picks provided from the DICE radar has been cleaned for outliers in this derived product of the total ice thickness. For questions, please contact Indrani Das at