Bathymetry model of the Venable Ice Shelf and the eastern portion of the Abbot Ice Shelf from the inversion of Operation IceBridge gravity anomalies measured from Sanders Geophysics Limited Airborne Inertially Referenced Gravimeter (AIRGrav). File Naming Convention: ----------------------- Data were named according the following file naming convention: Table 1. File Naming Convention ------------------------------- Variable: Description: venable Glacier or ice shelf name bathy Indicates bathymetry data .xyz Indicates ASCII text x, y, z data file File Parameters, Units, and Descripton: --------------------------------------- Name (Units): Description x (meters): Polar stereographic projected coordinates true to scale at 71 S, 0 up, 180 down, WGS-84 ellipsoid (EPSG 3031) y (meters): Polar stereographic projected coordinates true to scale at 71 S, 0 up, 180 down, WGS-84 ellipsoid (EPSG 3031) z (meters): Modeled bathymetry from gravity inversion. All depths reported in meters with positive upwards with respect to WGS-84 ellipsoid (EPSG 3031) File Size: ---------- 4.62 MB Grid Spacing: ------------- 500 meters Projection Information: ----------------------- Polar stereographic projected coordinates true to scale at 71 S, 0 up, 180 down, WGS-84 ellipsoid (EPSG 3031) Data Repository: ---------------- National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Date Last Updated: ----------------- 02 December 2024