Description of variables saved in the mat file

Data: complex radar image data, rows correspond to fast time, columns to slow (along track)
Time: fast time, this is the two way travel time for radar
SurfTime: two-way travel time to the Surface picked by processing script using max return power.
PickTime: two-way travel time from the surface to the picked layer
unixTime: unix seconds (slow-'along track' time) of each echo, use
	unix2matlabtime (GIT common) function to convert to matlab time for plotting
Depth: depth of the layer picked under the surface (thickness) calculated using cIce = 1.68e8 and PickTime
Pixel: pixel number (row number) of the pick in the image (Data)
Bright: signal power (dB) of the pixel. This is a relative number with 0 dB being some arbitrary value that is consistent as long as there a no
	significant changes with processing
MultipleBright: signal power (dB) of the multiple of the picked layer
NoiseFloor: signal power (dB) of spot in the image that does not contain returns or artifacts.
xdisp: x-axis of the display image
VertScale: y/range scale with surface set to zero at the surface +ve above and -ve below
X: easting km in SCAR projection
Y: northing km in SCAR projection
Lat: Latitude of echo in degrees
Lon: Longitude of echo in degree
FlightElev: Ellipsoid flight elevation in m. If motion compensation is
	true, FlightElev is irrelevant
Distance: along-track distance in km for the image
Notes_VertScale: speficies how VertScale variable is defined
Notes: structure contianing picked areas and other stuff
  .pickType: information on what is being picked: bet, layer etc.
  .platform: sensor platform. icepod, oibp3 etc..
  .Proj_Campaign: project/campaign the data belongs to
  .Flight_Line: flight or line number the data belongs to
  .Sensor: name of the sensor, SIR for example.
  .SourceProdLevel: product level of the source file, compressed, sar etc.
  .Sensor: name of the sensor, SIR for example.
Surf_Elev: this is ellipsoid elevation of the surface
pickedOnTime: matlab datetime for when the pick was done
userRefAlt: elevation correciton is performed to this altitude, if motion
	compensation is true, this is the flight elevation.
motionComp: if true(1), image was compensated for aircraft motion
PickerVersion: version number of the picking script used

<Var>_Line: stitched variable for entire line (or selected files)<FileName>_Smooth data are filtered along the track with 'xwavelength' size window (default 50 m)