To plot processed radar data use dataPlotter.m - change input folder path for radar and gps files first. Radar File: File Naming Convention: FL05_1us_Ch2_20140719_150329_2_1D_SAR.mat Refers to 1D SAR processed data for Flight 5 using 1 us wide pulse from Channel 2 of the Deep Ice Radar; Flight date is July 19, 2014 and data start time is 15:03:29. Each mat file consists for following radar parameters/data: The rows of 2D data are referenced to radar sampling time (fast time) and columns are to radar echotime (slow time); ApertureSize - Aperture size used to migrate each line CG - Radar Complex Image Data FlightElev - Radar Elevation, WGS-84, m Lat - Latitude Position of Radar, deg +/- Lon - Latitude Position of Radar, deg +/- PlaneHeight - Radar Height above the Surface, m SurfElev - Surface Elevation, WGS-84, m TWT - Sample Time, s VertScale - Range, m ampfactor - Amplification factor between two pulse types breakind - sample number for radar transmission c_air - velocity of light in air/space, m/s c_ice - velocity of light in ice, m/s dx - Along track resolution, m dy_air - Range resolution in air, m dy_ice - Range resolution in ice, m echoTimeUTC - UTC time of radar echo, seconds since 00-Jan-00 f - Sampling frequency, Hz h - Mean plane height for the file, m n - refractive index samp_int - radar sampling interval, s stitchind - range index for stitching two pulses - not used surfind - range index for surface GPS File: glnd3_ft05_200hz_gps_v1.mat - 200 Hz Navigation data WGS-84, ENU Alt - Elevation, m Heading - Flight heading, deg Lat - Latitude, deg +/- Lon - Longitude, deg +/- Pitch - Aircarft Pitch Angle, deg Roll - Aircarft Roll Angle, deg dateUTC - UTC Time format Day (day since 00-Jan-00) sodUTC - UTC Seconds of day