$MSGLOG Ver8.10.2313 NGPS32 Reverse Normal ; Processed by Michael, desciption: FLIGHT30: SJB1 - BASE1 ; Time and date is: 18:21:59, 01/08/2009 ; Waypoint Products Group, Copyright NovAtel Inc., 1992-2008 : Loading datum information... : Processing in datum 'WGS84' using 3PARAM conversion 'WGS84 to WGS84 (Same)' : GLONASS processing status: : GLONASS processing DISABLED : Dual frequency processing selected: : L2 used for ambiguity resolution (KAR, Fixed Static) : L2 used for ionospheric free processing model : Using the Saastamoinen tropospheric model : Will USE doppler measurements : Scanning GPB Files... : Opening output data files with prefix 'Z:\AGAP\FLIGHT30\GPS\FLIGHT30' : Elevation based antenna corrections will be applied : Loading antenna profiles... : Read 247 profiles : Found antenna 'LEIAX1202GG' for station AGAP-S1 (AGAP-S1-F30_0647_0107_075954) [NONE GNSS] : No antenna type specified for station Remote (AGAPS-B1-F30_0649_0107_075502)--Zero correction applied : Loading ephemeris and correction files... : Reading master epp file(s)... : Processing ephemeris file 'Z:\AGAP\FLIGHT30\GPS\GPSBASE\GPSBASE1\AGAP-S1-F30_0647_0107_075954.epp' : Detected 133 GpsEph, 10 GlonassEph, 1 GpsIono and 0 GpsAlmanac records : GpsIono record only has UTC info (no broadcast ICD-200 ionospheric model present) : Added 133 GPS and 10 GLONASS ephemerides : Reading remote epp file(s)... : Processing ephemeris file 'Z:\AGAP\FLIGHT30\GPS\AIRBORNE\SJB1\AGAPS-B1-F30_0649_0107_075502.epp' : Detected 139 GpsEph, 8 GlonassEph, 1 GpsIono and 0 GpsAlmanac records : GpsIono record only has UTC info (no broadcast ICD-200 ionospheric model present) : Added 10 GPS and 1 GLONASS ephemerides 328098.9: Missing L1 doppler on Prn 28 at station AGAP-S1--satellite rejected since could not estimate new value 314099.9: Starting position is -77 18 32.94458, 76 54 08.16426, 3002.578 with C/A RMS of 1.08 m 314099.9: Startup complete 314099.9: Starting in KINEMATIC mode 314099.9: Best GPS base on BL1 is PRN 25 with 1 points and elevation of 42.4 degrees 314099.9: Second GPS best on BL1 is PRN 16 with 0 points and elevation of 51.2 degrees 314099.9: *** KAR engaged at start-up 314099.9: Note: KAR cannot be engaged as distance too far (shortest baseline is BL1 at 802.6 km) 314099.8: Tropospheric conditions for AGAP-S1 at 3493.3 m elevation are: Pressure 640.6 mbar, Temperature -23.9 C, WV 0.7 mbar 314099.8: Tropospheric conditions for Remote at 3003.4 m elevation are: Pressure 690.6 mbar, Temperature -15.0 C, WV 1.3 mbar 312719.7: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 3 of -1.42 cycles on baseline BL1 312719.7: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 3 of 1022.58 cycles on baseline BL1 310213.2: GPS Base PRN 25 dropped out on master in baseline BL1 310213.2: Best GPS base on BL1 is PRN 16 with 4 points and elevation of 50.8 degrees 310213.2: Second GPS best on BL1 is PRN 29 with 1 points and elevation of 44.6 degrees 310213.2: GPS Base satellite changed from PRN 25 to PRN 16 on baseline BL1 due to base drop-out 305954.4: GPS Base satellite 16 dropped below 22.5 degrees on baseline BL1 305954.4: Best GPS base on BL1 is PRN 23 with 4 points and elevation of 41.1 degrees 305954.4: Second GPS best on BL1 is PRN 29 with 3 points and elevation of 48.1 degrees 305954.4: GPS Base satellite changed from PRN 16 to PRN 23 on baseline BL1 due to base drop-out 305049.2: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 16 of -3.63 cycles on baseline BL1 305049.2: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 16 of 1020.37 cycles on baseline BL1 302459.6: Missing L1 doppler on Prn 31 at station AGAP-S1--new estimated value is 0.03 cycles 301509.4: GPS Base satellite 23 dropped below 22.5 degrees on baseline BL1 301509.4: Best GPS base on BL1 is PRN 31 with 6 points and elevation of 52.4 degrees 301509.4: Second GPS best on BL1 is PRN 30 with 4 points and elevation of 52.6 degrees 301509.4: GPS Base satellite changed from PRN 23 to PRN 31 on baseline BL1 due to base drop-out 297066.9: Missing L1 doppler on Prn 12 at station Remote--new estimated value is -0.02 cycles 296553.0: GPS Base satellite 31 dropped below 22.5 degrees on baseline BL1 296553.0: Best GPS base on BL1 is PRN 12 with 6 points and elevation of 52.5 degrees 296553.0: Second GPS best on BL1 is PRN 5 with 4 points and elevation of 49.9 degrees 296553.0: GPS Base satellite changed from PRN 31 to PRN 12 on baseline BL1 due to base drop-out 295402.0: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 20 of -8.12 cycles on baseline BL1 295402.0: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 20 of 1015.88 cycles on baseline BL1 292424.7: *** KAR now engaged because distance became lower than tolerance 292289.7: Performing KAR search at 135 seconds on baseline BL1 292289.7: GPS KAR used 135.0 s (PASS) with average of 9.0 sats over average distance of 35.2 km 292289.7: RMS is 0.0955 cycles (FAIL), Reliability is 1.0 (FAIL), Float/fixed sep. is 0.11 m (PASS) 292289.7: KAR failed 2 out of 4 tests, will try again in 15.0 seconds 292274.7: Performing KAR search at 150 seconds on baseline BL1 292274.7: GPS KAR used 150.0 s (PASS) with average of 9.0 sats over average distance of 34.6 km 292274.7: RMS is 0.0929 cycles (FAIL), Reliability is 1.0 (FAIL), Float/fixed sep. is 0.09 m (PASS) 292274.7: KAR failed 2 out of 4 tests, will try again in 15.0 seconds 292259.7: Performing KAR search at 165 seconds on baseline BL1 292259.7: GPS KAR used 165.0 s (PASS) with average of 9.0 sats over average distance of 34.1 km 292259.7: RMS is 0.0906 cycles (FAIL), Reliability is 1.1 (FAIL), Float/fixed sep. is 0.09 m (PASS) 292259.7: KAR failed 2 out of 4 tests, will try again in 15.0 seconds 292244.7: Performing KAR search at 180 seconds on baseline BL1 292244.7: GPS KAR used 180.0 s (PASS) with average of 9.0 sats over average distance of 33.5 km 292244.7: RMS is 0.0902 cycles (FAIL), Reliability is 1.3 (FAIL), Float/fixed sep. is 1.41 m (PASS) 292244.7: KAR failed 2 out of 4 tests, will try again in 15.0 seconds 292229.7: Performing KAR search at 195 seconds on baseline BL1 292229.7: GPS KAR used 195.0 s (PASS) with average of 8.0 sats over average distance of 33.0 km 292229.7: RMS is 0.1004 cycles (FAIL), Reliability is 1.1 (FAIL), Float/fixed sep. is 0.21 m (PASS) 292229.7: KAR failed 2 out of 4 tests, will try again in 15.0 seconds 292214.7: Performing KAR search at 210 seconds on baseline BL1 292214.7: GPS KAR used 210.0 s (PASS) with average of 8.0 sats over average distance of 32.4 km 292214.7: RMS is 0.0952 cycles (FAIL), Reliability is 1.1 (FAIL), Float/fixed sep. is 0.14 m (PASS) 292214.7: KAR failed 2 out of 4 tests, will try again in 15.0 seconds 292199.7: Performing KAR search at 225 seconds on baseline BL1 292199.7: GPS KAR used 225.0 s (PASS) with average of 8.0 sats over average distance of 31.8 km 292199.7: RMS is 0.0959 cycles (FAIL), Reliability is 1.6 (FAIL), Float/fixed sep. is 0.14 m (PASS) 292199.7: KAR failed 2 out of 4 tests, will try again in 15.0 seconds 292184.7: Performing KAR search at 240 seconds on baseline BL1 292184.7: GPS KAR used 240.0 s (PASS) with average of 8.0 sats over average distance of 31.3 km 292184.7: RMS is 0.1031 cycles (FAIL), Reliability is 1.5 (FAIL), Float/fixed sep. is 0.17 m (PASS) 292184.7: KAR failed 2 out of 4 tests, will try again in 15.0 seconds 292169.7: Performing KAR search at 255 seconds on baseline BL1 292169.7: GPS KAR used 255.0 s (PASS) with average of 8.0 sats over average distance of 30.7 km 292169.7: RMS is 0.0997 cycles (FAIL), Reliability is 1.2 (FAIL), Float/fixed sep. is 0.83 m (PASS) 292169.7: KAR failed 2 out of 4 tests, will try again in 15.0 seconds 292154.7: Performing KAR search at 270 seconds on baseline BL1 292154.7: GPS KAR used 270.0 s (PASS) with average of 8.0 sats over average distance of 30.1 km 292154.7: RMS is 0.1239 cycles (FAIL), Reliability is 1.1 (FAIL), Float/fixed sep. is 1.13 m (PASS) 292154.7: KAR failed 2 out of 4 tests, will try again in 15.0 seconds 292139.7: Performing KAR search at 285 seconds on baseline BL1 292139.7: GPS KAR used 285.0 s (PASS) with average of 8.0 sats over average distance of 29.6 km 292139.7: RMS is 0.0424 cycles (PASS), Reliability is 3.3 (PASS), Float/fixed sep. is 0.03 m (PASS) 292139.7: KAR used the IONO noise model and searched at a distance of 18.8 km 292139.7: Ionospheric error was 1.35 ppm at search distance 292139.7: KAR passed all tests, going back to engage fix 292424.6: Restoring 8 out of 8 satellites 0.0 sec after loss of lock (DD_DOP is 4.1) 292424.6: KAR success! 291076.9: GPS Base satellite 12 dropped below 22.5 degrees on baseline BL1 291076.9: Best GPS base on BL1 is PRN 14 with 5 points and elevation of 41.4 degrees 291076.9: Second GPS best on BL1 is PRN 17 with 4 points and elevation of 42.0 degrees 291076.9: GPS Base satellite changed from PRN 12 to PRN 14 on baseline BL1 due to base drop-out 290570.9: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 28 of 5.10 cycles on baseline BL1 290570.9: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 28 of 1029.10 cycles on baseline BL1 289122.0: GPS Base PRN 14 dropped out on master in baseline BL1 289122.0: Best GPS base on BL1 is PRN 9 with 5 points and elevation of 53.0 degrees 289122.0: Second GPS best on BL1 is PRN 17 with 2 points and elevation of 35.7 degrees 289122.0: GPS Base satellite changed from PRN 14 to PRN 9 on baseline BL1 due to base drop-out 289119.0: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 28 of -1286.24 cycles on baseline BL1 289107.5: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 28 of 2.70 cycles on baseline BL1 289107.5: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 28 of 1026.70 cycles on baseline BL1 289104.6: Prn 14 dropped out for 0.7 s on baseline BL1--will try to save ambiguity 289104.6: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 14 of 2.00 cycles on baseline BL1 289104.6: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 14 of 1026.00 cycles on baseline BL1 289068.0: Prn 11 dropped out for 0.8 s on baseline BL1--will try to save ambiguity 289068.0: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 11 of 4.13 cycles on baseline BL1 289068.0: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 11 of 1028.13 cycles on baseline BL1 289064.7: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 14 of -2.29 cycles on baseline BL1 289064.7: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 14 of 1021.71 cycles on baseline BL1 289061.0: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 22 of 4.42 cycles on baseline BL1 289061.0: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 22 of 1028.42 cycles on baseline BL1 289047.4: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 18 of 3.68 cycles on baseline BL1 289047.4: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 18 of 1027.68 cycles on baseline BL1 289038.6: Small L2 cycle slip on PRN 14 of -12.11 cycles on baseline BL1 289038.6: Doppler L1 cycle slip on PRN 14 of 1011.89 cycles on baseline BL1 288095.0: Reached end-of-file on master AGAP-S1 (file Z:\AGAP\FLIGHT30\GPS\GPSBASE\GPSBASE1\AGAP-S1-F30_0647_0107_075954.gpb) 288095.0: Processing used 172.343 seconds for 262899 epochs (1525.4 epochs/second)